Bitcoin 665.64
$7,237.78 9.19673%
Ethereum 0.45
$125.28 0.35974%
XRP 0.00
$0.19 0.99383%
Zcash -1.24
$94.42 -1.31049%
Monero -1.33
$92.49 -1.43786%
Tether 0.00
$1.00 0.08297%
Elite -0.00
$0.00 -11.86399%
Stellar -0.00
$0.10 -4.22023%
Token sale completed on 31 March
Goal: 5 000 000 USD

FundChain is a decentralized, transparent and reliable money circle and crowdfunding application operating on the blockchain.
ROSCA funding also known as money circles are growing every day. FundChain is created to resolve the problems in traditional crowdfunding and money circles. FundChain is created on blockchain and runs completely decentralized. Decentralization will eliminate the trust and absurdly higher operating charge issues faced by ROSCA funding individuals. The native AZ token will become the fuel of smart agreements that are being created within the system.

Token Sale: 01 March — 31 March
Token type
ICO Token Price
Fundraising Goal
Total Tokens
Available for Token Sale
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