Bitcoin -21.20
$10,498.26 -0.20194%
Ethereum -3.11
$344.94 -0.9018%
XRP 0.00
$0.23 -0.27952%
Zcash 0.23
$53.74 0.43024%
Monero 3.49
$93.37 3.74254%
Tether 0.00
$1.00 -0.06886%
Elite 0.00
$0.00 -5.63228%
Stellar 0.00
$0.07 0.51788%
Token sale completed on 10 May
Goal: Not set
Blok (BLO)

We at Blok aressdemocratizing the gig economy by empowering the following generation, on-demand workforce through the Ethereum blockchain. Blok connects on-demand workers with verified opportunities through our open source platform. Utilizing smart contracts we eliminate current frictions in the gig economy.sWorking nine to five for an individual employer will be the minority by 2020. Escaping the cubicle is within grab millions of employees, Blok will assist in assisting them achieve this freedom.

Token Sale: 10 April — 10 May
Token type
ICO Token Price
Available for Token Sale
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