Bitcoin 795.42
$30,165.00 2.6369%
Ethereum 54.72
$2,030.22 2.69516%
XRP 0.03
$0.43 6.39803%
Zcash 3.97
$107.33 3.70043%
Monero 11.76
$187.16 6.28398%
Tether 0.00
$1.00 -0.06044%
Elite 0.00
$0.00 21.53659%
Stellar 0.00
$0.67 -0.27109%
Token sale completed on 22 May
Goal: 100,000 USD
Website Whitepaper
Explore Coin (EPL)

Explore Coin is a decentralized money that simplifies travel, saves money, and is supported by effective applications and an ever growing system of partners.
Explore Coin are a cryptocurrency made to function as leading travel cryptocurrency in the globe. Through using the blockchain, Explore Coin’s currency is going to be independent of banking institutions and government institutions. This funds the user more privacy and security than the other customary repayment methods currently in use.
By including our three flagship jobs: Ecoplore, Explore Local, and TravlrFeed, we aim to transform the travel industry by making use of sustainable and clear company methods.
Ecoplore has recently attained over 70 eco-friendly partners with 120+ satisfied customers.
With the coming release of our community-based platforms, we will set newer trends in the ecosystem of sustainable travel.We continually strive to generate more use-cases for the token through constant expansion and innovation of responsible tourism world wide. For additional details, please visit our 3 project links towards the top of the page.

Token Sale: 21 May — 22 May
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