Bitcoin -13.23
$10,936.43 -0.12093%
Ethereum -7.40
$373.62 -1.98191%
XRP 0.00
$0.25 -1.19506%
Zcash 0.10
$57.70 0.1738%
Monero -0.23
$93.18 -0.24922%
Tether 0.00
$1.00 -0.14044%
Elite 0.00
$0.00 -23.44128%
Stellar 0.00
$0.08 -1.18909%
Token sale completed on 01 January
Goal: 10 000 ETH

GGPro is a blockchain platform that produces new opportunities for interaction between your video gaming community, sponsors and game developers.
Main features for the platform:
– Unique game monetization system: Steam platform integration allows gamers to earn money playing popular games
– Unique Player2Player promotion system: this innovative solution by GGPro team enables sponsors and designers of any level to get effective promotion of the items. The method are founded on the players marketing the product among by themselves
– Implemented MVP: already-implemented MVP supports monetization in Dota 2, CS:GO, Battlerite and directly connects gamers and sponsors
– GGPro's multi-million readers: potential target readers of our task is more than 70 million of active Steam people
– Global ecosystem: GGPro services provide powerful capabilities for all platform users, connecting them in a unified global ecosystem
– Blockchain: implementation of smart contract technologies enables for secure interactions between gamers, sponsors and designers

Token Sale: 26 September — 01 January
Token type
ICO Token Price
Fundraising Goal
Total Tokens
Available for Token Sale
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Market & Returns
GGPro (GGP) token price
$6.7586658 0.0180900 ETH
Returns since ICO
Hype rate
Risk rate
Team Value
Short review
Number of team Members
Team From