Bitcoin 665.64
$7,237.78 9.19673%
Ethereum 0.45
$125.28 0.35974%
XRP 0.00
$0.19 0.99383%
Zcash 0.76
$59.35 1.28882%
Monero 4.09
$92.91 4.40629%
Tether -0.00
$1.00 -0.02775%
Elite -0.00
$0.00 -11.86399%
Stellar 0.00
$0.08 0.63893%
Goal: Not set

For the primary time, the consensus logic of a distributed ledger is split into two layers – an software layer that enables customers to create their very own distributed ledgers to resolve particular issues, and a community layer that gives community integrity. This is a totally in-house growth, no forks or deviations and so on. After simply over 1 yr of growth we have already got a working ecosystem with ~13 000 energetic wallets, three consiliums and 30+ witnesses up to now.

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