Bitcoin 990.78
$20,255.00 4.89154%
Ethereum 83.66
$1,152.60 7.2582%
XRP 0.03
$0.43 6.39803%
Zcash 4.03
$58.22 6.92383%
Monero 8.02
$124.12 6.45961%
Tether 0.00
$1.00 -0.06044%
Elite 0.00
$0.00 21.53659%
Stellar 0.00
$0.67 -0.27109%
Token sale completed on 01 August
6,000,000 USD 7,000,000 USD 85%
Website Whitepaper

The ParcelX Platform will leverage blockchain technology to create a Blue Ocean marketplace of cross-border logistics through decentralization, interoperability, information integrity and trust in parcel delivery networks. It will link shippers, logistics service providers, logistics integrators and people in a well-balanced ecosystem, considering trust guaranteed in full by blockchain and seamless interactions, saving time and money while ensuring optimal security, transparency and traceability. Any newer or current logistics provider providers or logistic integrators, and even individual persons are welcome to have their service linked through ParcelX. They will share service demands within the platform while creating their reputations as efficient, transparent and low-cost providers.

Token Sale: 01 August — 01 August
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ICO Token Price
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