Bitcoin 621.62
$29,481.00 2.10856%
Ethereum 55.00
$1,981.66 2.77538%
XRP 0.03
$0.43 6.39803%
Zcash 2.96
$105.31 2.81314%
Monero 10.02
$178.71 5.60458%
Tether 0.00
$1.00 -0.06044%
Elite 0.00
$0.00 21.53659%
Stellar 0.00
$0.67 -0.27109%
Token sale completed on 26 February
2,100,000 USD
Website Whitepaper
PayPro (PYP)

PayPro try a decentralized bank designed for dealing with a fresh eco-system where value is represented in new types as a result of Smart Contracts. Thus, PayPro try a decentralized financial-marketplace in which any dApps can posting its services. We will also be developing a Wallet in which users will have the ability to keep crypto-currencies and any token received from industry by making use of smart contracts.
After we have actually built PayPro, a person will allow you to keeping ETH, BTC or gasoline, for instance, and utilize the market for buying a crowdfunding platform, for instance. Likewise, the shares received from that investment by means of tokens, will be also kept at PayPro. As a result of the, all of the crypto-assets and liabilities of an individual will feel represented in PayPro.

Token Sale: 15 January — 26 February
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