Bitcoin 924.60
$24,826.00 3.72432%
Ethereum 134.55
$2,015.89 6.67433%
XRP 0.03
$0.43 6.39803%
Zcash -0.03
$78.68 -0.03251%
Monero 6.50
$166.41 3.90816%
Tether 0.00
$1.00 -0.06044%
Elite 0.00
$0.00 21.53659%
Stellar 0.00
$0.67 -0.27109%
Peoples Token (PPL) Logo

Peoples Token (PPL)

Token sale completed on 24 September
Goal: 1,800,000 USD
Website Whitepaper

Peoples Token is an erc20 utility token.Peoples token aims to generate a fully community driven and decentralized token. Lots of token ICO fails to fulfil and reach their objectives as promised by the team. In most ICOs best part of token is readily available for buy the individuals and tokens take place by the group / developer along with the ICO investment collected from sale for the token. This creates a majority control of developer as well as the team and minority role of people involved in the ICO and token community without any decentralization of the token. PPL token aims to form a decentralized collaborative community that thrives with the token and ascertain the growth of different projects that makes use of “PPL token”. The community is going to be managed by equal participation of PPL token holders and will strive ahead for multiple task developments available for many community members. Such task developments in the interest for the community is available for development to any / all participants. Project development funds will become supplied from crowdsale collected funds. Any amount of community members could form a group and talk about their project in the forum and avail the community funds through voting. Such friends can utilize the funds for conducting product/project development. Projects will utilize Peoples Token (PPL) and services in token liquidity and community token holders to be part of the project and its services. Peoples forum is online which can be available to all or any participants and PPL community users. We are still working on the growth of the forum news and brand new services. The team also plans to release a future wallet dedicated to PPL token with built-in internal change pairs. The initial version of Peoples forum has become posted and may be accessed by community members. Members can join, create their profile and participate in the crowdsale. Forum consist of various categories which will become up-to-date as per necessary as the community grows. The forum are under beta development and will become further optimized for ease of access by community forum members. The forum is primarily targeted to arrange polling for community funded projects. The community together chooses whether or not to help a project or not after proposal so it can avail part of the reserved ICO funds for the project. This will be performed through community voting for or against a project. Voting members will only add those users who need taken part in the ICO. This will be preceded by a verification phase after ICO where members will be taken into consideration for voting during community polls.
The token belongs to the people, the community will drive the cost and utilization of the token in several projects. No bonus or tokens take place by the designer / team to make certain fair circulation and utilization of the token. Only crowdsale funds is being used for town forum developing and community jobs. 40percent of crowdsale funds are reserved for community controlled projects. All PPL tokens can be obtained in crowdsale to get rid of the factor of team/developer keeping any tokens and assist in the decentralization of the token. A total of 10% through the total supply of 8 million tokens i.e. 800,000 PPL Tokens are reserved for Bounty Campaign, in case the hard cap is hit and no tokens are burned. In case hard cap is not reached , total tokens for bounty campaign will become reserved in the ratio of tokens offered to reserved bounty tokens. The others for the tokens is going to be burnt. Unsold tokens after crowdsale will be burnt.

Token Sale: 10 August — 24 September
Token type
ICO Token Price
Fundraising Goal
Total Tokens
Available for Token Sale
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Team Value
Short review
Number of team Members
Team From