Bitcoin 860.55
$30,227.00 2.84695%
Ethereum 61.85
$2,036.36 3.03719%
XRP 0.03
$0.43 6.39803%
Zcash 4.17
$107.39 3.88001%
Monero 15.22
$188.39 8.07842%
Tether 0.00
$1.00 -0.06044%
Elite 0.00
$0.00 21.53659%
Stellar 0.00
$0.67 -0.27109%
Token sale completed on 15 September
Goal: 19,000,000 USD
Website Whitepaper

TIM is a 2 layer blockchain manufactured from GPS powered 1-hop nodes over a novel blockchain. The blockchain works by a particular PoB consensus mechanism. With an underlying sublayer of distributed DAGs(graphs), the worldwide blockchain achieves excessive transaction charges. The graph layer swimming pools 100 M transactions/s into blockchain with a kilobyte sized blocks. The nodes mine the consensus and carry out transaction pooling by geo-mining protocol, utilizing 1-hop directionality to go looking nearest neighbors and newer data(transactions).
Thus the enablement price of TIM community is zero, which signifies that no extra power is burnt for safety and decentralization will not be compromised to attain excessive efficiency.

Token Sale: 15 September — 15 September
Token type
ICO Token Price
Fundraising Goal
Total Tokens
Available for Token Sale
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Team Value
Short review
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Team From